Magical Properties of the Stone - Blue Tiger's Eye. Tiger's eye is a protective stone that traditionally protects against curses and bad wishes. It is still used by many as a protection against the "evil eye", and the blue variety of tiger's eye shar..
Magical properties of the stone.Green tiger's eye is a stone that protects against bankruptcy and witchcraft. In addition, it attracts wealth and success, and also has a very good effect on strengthening life positions. It adds courage, self-confiden..
Volcanic Lava is a stone whose magical properties are obvious! They consist in the fact that it helps to achieve everything that you really want. If a person who always has an amulet made of Lava with him wants to change his profession, place of resi..
Magical properties of the stone.Obsidian protects a person from wrong actions, thereby saving from sins. Obsidian is of volcanic origin, so people who wear amulets made of this stone are not afraid of any changes, external and internal. They are alwa..